Monday, July 22, 2024

Seek Your Love

In the quiet moments of our days, 
We seek a love that never sways. 
A deeper bond with God above, 
A journey marked by endless love.

Through longing hearts and searching eyes, 
We find the joy that never dies. 
In His presence, we are whole, 
His love, the anchor of our soul.

In life’s relationships, we see, 
A mirror of His love so free. 
Unwavering devotion, strong and true, 
In romance and in faith, we pursue.

Challenges may come our way, 
But steadfast hearts will never sway. 
With patience, effort, and a prayer, 
We find the love that’s always there.

In seeking help, we find our strength, 
In others’ love, we go great lengths. 
Perseverance in our quest, 
Brings us to the love that’s best.

For in the end, what matters most, 
Is love for God, our guiding post. 
And love for others, pure and bright, 
A beacon in the darkest night.

So let us hold this love so dear, 
With faith and hope, we persevere. 
For in His love, we find our way, 
To joy and peace, each blessed day.


I sought him whom my heart loves. I will seek Him whom my heart loves. (Song of Songs 3:1-2)

We should seek a deeper love relationship with God. This pursuit is often marked by periods of longing and searching, but ultimately leads to a fulfilling connection with the divine. Joy and fulfillment comes from experiencing God’s loving presence in our lives.

In our own relationships and spiritual journeys, it is important to have an unwavering devotion and commitment in both romantic and spiritual relationships. We should remain dedicated and faithful, even when faced with challenges. 

Seeking help from others can be crucial in our search for love and spiritual fulfillment. Let us persevere in our relationships and seek out those we love, even when it requires a lot of effort and patience. At the end of the day, holding on to love for God and for one another is what truly matters.

Heavenly Father,

We come before You with hearts longing for a deeper relationship with You. In our pursuit of Your divine love, we often find ourselves in periods of searching and yearning. Yet, we trust that this journey leads us to a fulfilling connection with You, where joy and fulfillment abound in Your loving presence.

Lord, in our relationships and spiritual journeys, grant us unwavering devotion and commitment. Help us to remain dedicated and faithful, even when faced with challenges and trials. May our love for You and for one another be steadfast and true.

We acknowledge the importance of seeking help from others in our quest for love and spiritual fulfillment. Give us the humility to reach out and the courage to persevere in our relationships. Teach us patience and effort, knowing that these virtues bring us closer to the love we seek.

At the end of each day, remind us that holding on to love for You and for one another is what truly matters. May Your love be our guiding light, leading us to joy, peace, and a deeper connection with You.

In Jesus’ name, we pray.


The Song of Songs by Solomon
Song of Songs 3:1-11

First Reading |Song of Songs 3:1-4 (or 2 Corinthians 5:14-17)

1 The Bride says: On my bed at night I sought him whom my heart loves—I sought him but I did not find him. 2 I will rise then and go about the city; in the streets and crossings I will seek him whom my heart loves. I sought him but I did not find him. 3 The watchmen came upon me as they made their rounds of the city. Have you seen him whom my heart loves? 4 I had hardly left them when I found him whom my heart loves.


Song of Songs 3:1-4 is a poetic passage that captures the deep longing and search for a beloved. Here’s a brief background:

Context and Themes

Setting: The passage is part of a larger poetic dialogue between a bride (the Shulammite woman) and her beloved (often interpreted as King Solomon). This section is a dream or a night-time search where the bride seeks her beloved.

Themes: The verses highlight themes of love, longing, and the pursuit of a beloved. The bride’s search symbolizes the intense desire and commitment in a loving relationship.

Verses Breakdown

Verse 1: The bride lies in bed at night, longing for her beloved but not finding him.
Verse 2: She decides to rise and search for him throughout the city, in the streets and squares.
Verse 3: She encounters the watchmen and asks if they have seen her beloved.
Verse 4: Shortly after passing the watchmen, she finds her beloved and holds him, not wanting to let him go.

Symbolism and Interpretation

Spiritual Allegory: Many interpret this passage as an allegory for the soul’s search for God or Christ. The longing and search reflect the believer’s desire for a deeper connection with the divine.

Marriage and Love: The passage also celebrates the sanctity and passion of marital love, emphasizing the importance of commitment and the joy of finding and being with one’s beloved.

This passage beautifully illustrates the depth of love and the lengths one will go to find and be with their beloved, whether in a romantic or spiritual context.

Learning Lessons:

Song of Songs 3:1-4 offers several valuable lessons, both in the context of romantic love and spiritual pursuit. Here are some key takeaways:

1. The Power of Love and Longing. Persistent Search: The bride’s relentless search for her beloved highlights the depth of her love and commitment. This teaches us the importance of perseverance in relationships and the value of seeking out those we love, even when it requires effort and patience.

2. Spiritual Allegory. Seeking God: Many interpret this passage as an allegory for the soul’s search for God. Just as the bride seeks her beloved, believers are encouraged to seek a deeper relationship with God. This pursuit is often marked by periods of longing and searching, but ultimately leads to a fulfilling connection with the divine.

3. The Joy of Reunion. Finding and Holding On: When the bride finally finds her beloved, she holds him and does not want to let go. This symbolizes the joy and fulfillment that comes from reuniting with a loved one or experiencing God’s presence after a period of spiritual dryness.

4. Commitment and Dedication. Unwavering Devotion: The bride’s determination to find her beloved, even in the middle of the night, underscores the importance of unwavering devotion and commitment in both romantic and spiritual relationships. It reminds us to remain dedicated and faithful, even when faced with challenges.

5. Community and Support. Seeking Help: The bride asks the watchmen if they have seen her beloved, showing that seeking help from others can be crucial in our search for love and spiritual fulfillment. This teaches us the value of community and the support of others in our journeys.


This passage encourages us to reflect on our own relationships and spiritual journeys. Are we persistent in our search for deeper connections? Do we seek and cherish the presence of those we love, including our relationship with God? These verses remind us of the beauty and importance of love, commitment, and the joy that comes from finding and holding on to what truly matters.

Reflection Source:
Conversation with Copilot

Love the Lord Your God

 “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart  and with all your soul and with all your strength." DEUTERONOMY 6:5 ; MARK 12:3...