Love the LORD your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. (Mt 22:37-38)
Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength (Dt. 6:5). To love him with all your heart, with all your understanding and with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself is more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices (Mk. 12:33).
Love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the LORD is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give (Dt. 30:20). He is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else (Acts 17:25). In Him we live and move and have our being.' As some of your own poets have said, 'We are his offspring' (Acts 17:28).
Love the LORD your God and keep his requirements, his decrees, his laws and his commands always (Dt. 11:1). "Keep my requirements and do not follow any of the detestable customs that were practiced before you came and do not defile yourselves with them. I am the LORD your God" (Lv. 18:30). Keep his decrees and commands, which I am giving you today, so that it may go well with you and your children after you and that you may live long in the land the LORD your God gives you for all time (Dt. 4:40).
"See, I have set before you this day life and good, death and evil. If you obey the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you this day, by loving the LORD your God, by walking in his ways, and by keeping his commandments and his statutes and his ordinances, then you shall live and multiply, and the LORD your God will bless you in the land which you are entering to take possession of it." (Dt. 30:15-16)
I love you, O Lord, my strength, O Lord, my rock, my fortress, my deliverer. My God, my rock of refuge, my shield, the horn of my salvation, my stronghold! Praised be the Lord, I exclaim, and I am safe from my enemies. (Ps 18:2-4)
July 23, 2023, 6:23 AM
August 07, 2021, 6:05 AM
February 14, 2013, 7:51 AM
November 04, 2012, 7:22AM